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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Tis the Season to be a Wally…

I seem to have odd spouts of accidents at the moment. Yesterday I knocked my brain into the sink when I walloped my head on the corner of the kitchen cupboard door and an hour later smashed the glass salt seller too. I decided to vacate to the sofa lest I turn the light on and burn the house down.

After reassuring myself that hemming my knuckles with the sewing machine would be a highly unlikely situation I altered the rest of my beloved Heyday trousers to fit, mended 2 vintage dresses and watched Hart’s War with Mr. Mew; balancing an ice pack on my head.

It is most peculiar when you bosh your bonce. In horror movies, blood spurts out of the wound like an Italian courtyard fountain. This creates a visual spectacle equal to the pain. Although the pain was excruciating, there was no blood, no graze, no bump… nothing to show anyone why I was shouting ‘Ow’ other than holding my head and pointing at the cupboard door like a 3 year old. In fact I was so stunned I couldn’t even say owt.

I am sure as a child we were made of sponge balls.  I would have knock after knock; suffer bruised knees, picked scabs and fashion a plethora of first aid plasters, but after a quick hug from Ma and a loving squeeze I would bounce back ready for the next accident.  As an adult, I hit my head and I’m not able to do anything for half the flipping day. Where have my sponge balls gone?!?!

Merry Christmas and a Happy Mew Year!

I wanted to wish all our friends, relations and followers a very happy Christmas. Thank you to everyone for your love, friendship and support. Life is more colourful than ever with you all in our lives and I feel so lucky!

Southern Retro meets Kitten von Mew!

Kitten von Mew, Southern Retro Shoot

WooOOOOoooooo! Check out my very own Southern Retro page!

Matt Keller came round to the cottage for tea, cakes and photos for his wonderful website!

Heyday Online 1940’s Trousers

Kitten von Mew wearing Heyday Trousers

It is no secret that I am a complete stalker of Shona at Heyday Online. Lucky enough to be one of her models, I adore her clothing, especially the Mary Dresses and Trousers.

Unluckily for me, I have put on some weight this year due to bad health, meaning most of my yummy clothes are no longer fitting (excuse me whilst I try and find my tiny violin to play a tune of self pity…), but LUCKILY for me and my love of Heyday, this won’t stop me from wearing my gorgeous trousers!

Yesterday I sat on the sofa and carefully unpicked the back of some of my trousers, right to the join at the crotch. I popped them on, pinned the back to my desired size and hey presto! a new lease of life! Shona’s trousers have a good bit of fabric left in the waistband, tapering down, which means you can get a size or so more out of your beloved trousers! Just sew them back up and no one will ever know the torment your waist once went through (unless you post it on a blog like me!).

If you have worn through the bottom of your trousers due to lindy hop, trudging around WW2 events or general wear and tear, why not make them into high waisted shorts for summer? You can even use some of the excess fabric to crate a little pocket for the front or back! I will be doing this with some of mine early next year, so will let you know how I get on!

More Vintage Fair Videos!

These videos were taken by Mr. Mew at The Vic in Swindon on Sunday!

Vintage Fair in Swindon

Yesterday Mr. Mew and I went to our 1st ever vintage fair to SELL rather than buy. The fair was at a pub called The Vic in Swindon and we packed up my clothes, shoes, bric-a-brac, pincushions and Mr. Mew’s light boxes and headed for the open road. Itw as a nice venue actually, and we were well situated by a plug point so that we could plug in the light boxes.

They certainly got a lot of attention! Unfortunately people seemed to be drawn to stalls with large 80’s jumpers and 70’s handbags as opposed to 1940’s and 50’s wear. We ended up only selling a few things, but had such a good time that we didn’t care!

At 1.30pm I went onto the stage for my singing set. The stage was also covered by one of the clothing stalls, but amidst the faux fur coats and a basket of hats, I belted out a selection of festive crooners and 40’s hits in my blue Heyday dress!

At the back of the room, the landlord/ one of the pub workers was filming the scene and posted a video on You Tube. 20minutes after my set they had laready put on some more festive tunes and on came a female voice. I said “oooh! I know that song, that’s the one I do!”…not realising I was actually listening to myself!


We wish you a Merry Christmas in a Mess Hut near here…

On Saturday I performed at the Ashdown Camp in Evesham for a reenactors group Christmas party. Cosy and warm from the log burning stove in the corrugated iron mess hut, it was an intimate affair but a wonderful one. The ladies of the group had all turned out in their best, some even in beautiful long gowns, and the men in the German uniforms. There was a small bar and buffet and I sang a 40 minute set at 9pm which included 40’s songs, Christmas tunes and a sneaky 50’s number!

I wore my long black and white gown with a train, red gloves and a 1930’s red santa cape, which was originally worn by a girl in the circus (bought in LA).

Everyone was so kind and Mr Mew and I chatted with them all evening until we had to go home.

Above is just a short little video taken that night. it was so dark, our little camera struggled, but it just serves as a nice reminder of a lovely evening!

Next weekend I am singing at the vintage fair at The Vic in Swindon as well as manning my own stall!

Twinwood Festival Video!

This is the official Twinwood video! See a little exerpt of me 5 minutes in.

Check out the Twinwood site to grab your tickets for next year! I will be performing again in the 2 little clubs in the evening!