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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Have a Very Beret Christmas

Red Beret adoned by Kitten von Mew

Whilst recovering from my keyhole surgery, I decided to make something for myself for a change! I am a huge fan of berets, so took one out of my cupboard and set to work on decorating it. I have to say it was highly enjoyable and I was very pleased with the outcome! With pearl beads from a broken necklace and felt swallows, hearts and flowers, it has cheered up my headwear no end and looks great with my red coat! I will make some to sell if the prove popular!

Kitten's Beret - Back

Through the keyhole…surgery

I always longed to share similarities with a star like Marilyn Monroe. I never thought it would be Endometriosis…some of you know that I suffer from this rather unglamorous disease that causes rather a lot of pain, discomfort and fatigue. Unfortunately things have gotten so bad that no amount of rhinestones or shoe shopping can take my mind off of it, so it is time for more surgery.

Last time I had the op, I was lucky enough to have private health insurance and my hospital day pass was more like a trip to a hotel. This time Im on the NHS and although I don’t doubt the skills of the surgeons – the hospital operating rooms are under ‘urgent renovations’, conjurring up images of pre-fabs, doctors working with kitchen utensils and flickering tube lighting. Thank goodness for general anaesthetic…

The last time I had this surgery was around 8 or 9 years ago and the recovery time was long and uncomfortable. They inflate around your organs and unfortunately some air stays trapped when they close you up, with no where to go. So for a while I was shiny skinned, inflated and could not wear bras for a while as I couldn’t do them up! I moan now, but golly! What relief when I had healed! My pains had all but gone and other than having to take hormone tablets every day as medication, I felt fine for alteast 6 years after the proceedure.

So many women suffer with Endometriosis and don’t even realise they have it. Heck, I was going back and forth to the doctors for 4 years complaining and was fobbed off time and time again with IBS etc. It was only when I went to a specialist that I found out the likely cause of my pain.

If you suffer from incredibly painful, heavy and uncomfortable periods – To the extent that you have to take sick days or know that it isn’t normal, if you have constant dull aches in your tummy and possibly legs and lower back, if you suffer from fatigue…Go get checked out.

Pincushion Corsages!

I have updated my Sew on and Sew Forth page with fabulous new images AND a new style! My Pincushion Corsages are the handiest pincushions for tailors and dress makers. Ideal for alterations at events, hemming dresses at home or in your shop, they are pretty and functional at the same time! The felt petals double up as needle book pages, whilst the centre of the flower is a pincushion with stamen dress pins included! The flower is attached to an elastic wrist strap and these corsages come in a wide variety of colourways including my special Coronation Corsage in red, white and blue!

At £15 each, these are 100% handmade, hand finished and great Christmas gifts. I will be selling them at vintage fair on 18th December and mail order by emailing

Pincushion Corsages by Kitten von Mew!

Day of Remembrance or Profit?

Kitten with her Official 2011 Poppy Appeal Poppy

I have just payed my respects in the 2 minute silence to those who have fought or fallen in the World Wars and more recent battles. Wearing the poppy I bought from a charity volunteer of the Poppy Appeal, as I have done since I was 6 years old, I wear the symbol on my lapel to show that I care and that I have donated money to a good cause.

So why am I sitting here stewing? Having just been on Etsy and seen this…

Etsy's home page today

Sellers cashing in on Remembrance Day poppies without giving anything to charity.

And don’t get me started on the celebrity favourite Kleshna who have created brooches costing £50-60 ‘For the Poppy Appeal’, yet only give 10% to the charity?!?!  If this isn’t cashing in I don’t know what is!

So you are enticed to buy one of these brooches (and fair enough, some I have seen are beautiful) and encouraged to wear it again each year. So they’ll still buy a charity poppy next year? Sure they won’t. They spent £50 on a brooch last year.

Ok, so Poppy Appeal may have gotten £5 out of the sale, but they will lose sales of poppies in coming years after this type of extravagence. It doesn’t take much to dip into your purse each year and buy a £1 poppy from someone who is volunteering their time to stand out in the cold to raise money for this amazing cause. Why then give that money to greedy jewellers instead?

So please people, even if you decide to stick rhinestones on your poppies each year or do as I did as a kid…buy lots of poppies and put all the red petals together on 1 stem, put vanity aside for just 2 days (11th November and Remembrance Sunday) and remember what these little paper poppies stand for and what they raise for charity.

Kitten von Mew’s Burlesque Feathers Fabric

Burlesque Feathers Fabric by Kitten von Mew

This is my fabric design that I have entered into a competition, which will start on 29th November! Once my test swatch has come, you will be able to order some for yourself!

Check out my fabric shop here for more designs on sale and preview!

Vintage Clothing and Pincushion Cups – Vintage Fair, Swindon 18th Dec 2011

Kitten von Mew

I will be selling a selection of vintage clothings, repro clothing and pincushion tea cups at The Vic in Swindon on 18th December 2011! They are hosting a Vintage Fair & Tea Party from 12 – 4pm with free admission!


The Vic

88 Victoria Rd



Star Wars Death Star Pin Cushion

Yes indeedy ladies and Jedi’s, you heard correctly. What did I sit there and sew all day yesterday? Possibly the most out of this world teacup pincushion in the galaxy. This glass cup and saucer holds by interpretation of the famous statue of ‘Atlas’ (man with the world on his back). My pin cushion features an original vintage R2D2 toy (worth £20 I may add!), holding up a Death Star pin cushion. Not only that, I have created a Tie Fighter on a pin too!


Kitten von Mew's Handmade Death Star Pin Cushion Cup!

Please leave comments below as I would love to know what you think!

Halloween Costumes and Pumpkin Pies!

Halloween decorations at home with my pumpkin pie!

I am a huge fan of Halloween, always have been. A great excuse to dress up and carve pumpkins, Mr. Mew and I decorated our little cottage with Halloween decoration ranging from paper lanterns to a little bubbling couldron!

On Friday we went to my friend HP Saucy’s Halloween party. We only knew a few people there, but the place looked great! Amazing what you can do with a role of black bin bags! Most had gone as witches and the like, one guy had not even bothered (so I took him into HP’s bedroom, eyebrow pencilled an eye on his palm and transformed him into David Blane…) and Mr. Mew and I went as the Phantom of the Opera and a 1930’s Pierrot clown!

My Pierrot clown Halloween costume

Mr. Mew at HP's party dressed as Erik

Kitten von Mew and Helen Wright at HP's Halloween party

You may have spotted a severed finger in my hand above…This is in fact a Witches Finger that I made a large batch of for the party! Simply look up a shortbread biscuit mix (use plain flour and no baking powder or raising agent), create finger sized sausages after letting it cool in the fridge for an hour and press down lightly on 2 points to form a knuckle. Press an almond flake in the top as a nail and pop into a hot over for 20 minutes. Once cooled, carefully remove the almond and re-attach it with red icing. I also dipped the ends to make them more gorey and scored 3 lines on the knuckles!

Wiches Fingers made by Kitten!

HP being strangled by her partner Dai

On Halloween itself we invited our best friends Candee and Jocob over to watch a horror film (The Cottage). The front room looked an absolute picture and I had layed out marshmallows in the shape of pumpkins in a little black couldron on the table, a hand shapes jelly and a new pumpkin pie with witches fingers bursting out of the top! How good does that look! (see image below).

I made up the recipe as I had lost the original and it ended up being  far nicer. It is a mixture of meringue and pumpkin, hence the name ‘Kitten’s Merkin Pie’ which is fitting for a burlesque dancer 😉

3 x egg whites whisked until peaked

3/4 cup of brown or light brown sugar

Savoury pastry case to save time

1/2 tsp of mixed spice

1 tsp of cinammon

1/2 tsp of nutmeg

1/2 tsp ginger

1 x Large squeeze of lemon (add a little ornage rind if you like too! Yummy!)

flesh from 1 medium pumpkin

A pot of single cream for pouring

Cover the pumpkin flesh with water and boil for an hour. Sieve it and squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Leave to cool whilst you go and carve your pumpkin!

Mix all the dry ingredients together and then fold in the meringue and pumpkin flesh being careful not to loose the air bubbles. Squeeze in the lemon, pop into the pastry case and bake for 20minutes (or until a knife comes out clean from the centre). Serve warm with single cream. I also stuck in 5 Witches Finger biscuits for shock factor!

Kitten von Mew with Sugar Skull makeup, pumpkin pie and jelly!

Like the makeup? I was going to do it for HP’s party, but decided on the pierrot which was a good job as my friend Helen did it! This was my first attempt at sugar skull makeup (think Day of the Dead, which incidentally was yesterday!). I used the white makeup I buoght for the clown costume, my liquid eye liner and eyeshadow palette to colour it in. I also painted Mr. Mew too!

Mr. Mew and Kitten's Halloween makeup!

Candee and Jacob arrived at the door and we whipped open the curtain to shock them. They looked fantastic and we all laughed at each other through the glass before letting them in!

Candee and Jacob, Halloween 2011

How amazing do they look?! Funnily enough, this is the talented lady that took the large photo of Mr. Mew and I behind her!

They brought with them a murder of fake crows and about 4 or 5 carved pumpkins that we dotted around the room with our own. I was thrilled to learn that this was their first tast of pumpkin pie that they seem to enjoy (or graciously chewed!) and were impressed by the finger biscuits too!

We had such a great time and next year we will all be together again for Halloween in Budapest and Transylvania on a steam train journey!