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Monthly Archives: December 2015

Christmas 2015

Well I hope you all had a wonderful Yule! I was lucky enough to perform at a Masonic event in Birmingham again, singing Christmas crooners and vintage numbers. They put on a lavish banquet and we had a marvelous time!

Christmas Eve was spent in our favourite cafe The Forteas in Stratford upon Avon! I serenaded them with some more yuletide numbers and 40’s classics as people sat and enjoyed their afternoon tea. It was hard not to turn all my attention to Betsy as she was wearing an adorable Christmas dress and would light up whenever I turned to her. Her smile really does cut through the dullest day.

On Christmas Day, we spent time with the family and my sister flew back from the USA to be with us all. Betsy is still too young to appreciate the festive season, but she was still spoiled with some amazing gifts from family and friends. It will be fantastic next year (and years to come), when she can get excited over the twinkly lights and wrapping paper. I wonder what she will think of her first snowfall?

So here are a few pictures, I hope you enjoy them and forgive me for not posting anything for a while. Babies sure do take up all your time and energy and it is a rare thing to have the opportunity to sit at a computer nowadays!


Betsy Rose got this adorable deer hat from Aunty Siss!

Betsy Rose got this adorable deer hat from Aunty Siss!





Just before my performance at the Masonic Christmas event

Just before my performance at the Masonic Christmas event




Our wonderful day at The Forteas

Our wonderful day at The Forteas



Aunty Siss! She also bought Betsy that toadstool rattle!




A fantastic gift from Lil' Siss! Star Wars Christmas jumpers!!!

A fantastic gift from Lil’ Siss! Star Wars Christmas jumpers!!!